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Lady Wonder Reimagined

Release Date | June 2024

Starring | August Ames | Echo

Director | Allen


Runtime | 30:23

Data Rate | 8000 kbps

Format | mp4 h.264

File Size | 1.81 Gigs

Lady Wonder Reimagined
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Director's Notes: It was my original intention to rerelease this film with an improved look and remastered sound. When I got into the orginal file, I realized I wanted to do more and ended up doing a full ground-up edit. This release is derived from the same footage as the original Lady Wonder 10 years ago but footage has been processed and sharpened, color corrected, and stabilized, and most importantly, the edit has been redone. Different takes have been used and it's hopefully a different/better viewing experience. Sound and some visual fx have all been redone and the final audio mix is new as well. Most importantly, we're releasing this film with the greatest respect to August. It was an honor to work with her and she will be remembered fondly.


Contains: Contains Male/Female Combat, Female/Female Combat, 2 on 1, Belly Punching, Face Punching, Low Blows, Ground Work, Kicks, Use of Magic against Heroine, Groping, Forced Oral female/female, Forced Fucking 2 positions male/female

Lady Wonder's family has been turned to stone by Faust and Wonder is livid. She tracks him down and forces him out of hiding, only to find out that it was all a plan to lure her into his trap. Using magic and teleportation, Faust manages to cut Lady Wonder's leg and draw blood. With her blood, he conjures a spell to bring the very dangerous Morgana out of the hell Lady Wonder originally put her in. Needless to say, Morgana is not excited to see Lady Wonder and takes the opportunity to take out some aggression. Because Faust used Lady Wonder's blood to bring Morgana back, she is even more powerful than before. See how Lady Wonder deals with Morgana's extra strength and other worldly powers...

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